Preps Life

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Hawaii May Be in for Another Hurricane, How to Prepare

Peak hurricane season is nearly here, and it may be a bold start. A tropical storm is slowly making its way toward Hawaii, and they’re expecting it to achieve hurricane status.

Information posted by the US National Hurricane Center states that Tropical Storm Hector is growing larger and stronger as it moves through the Pacific. They predict it will reach hurricane strength by late Friday.

Currently 2,000 miles east-southeast of Hawaii, The Weather Channel forecasts the storm will pass right under the series of islands. Should this be the case, the state will experience nothing more than increased swells. The storm only needs a slight northern shift in order to move directly into Hawaii’s path, however.

“Two temporary dips in the jet stream might drop far enough south to bring Hector on a slightly more northward path. The first of these dips occurs late this week, but it will likely occur too far ahead of Hector to affect it greatly.

The second dip in the jet stream could be closer to Hector, and it arrives early next week. It is too early to know how strong that dip in the jet stream might be or how much northward pull it could have on Hector since that is nearly a week away, but it is something we will watch.”

Storms and other natural disasters are one of the most common ways we are met with travesty. Those living on coastal areas prone to such storms need to put that extra step into protecting your home and yourself. We recommend checking out our Ways You Can Minimize Flood Damage and out Surviving Urban Storms articles for more ways to prepare.

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