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Some of the Most Popular Conspiracy Theories

Sometimes the truth is not as it seems, sometimes it is. But as long as there are secrets in the world, there will be people trying to find out those secret. This phenomena of wanting to know what big secrets are out there has led to a fair number of what are commonly called conspiracy theories. Big truths that are believed but unconfirmed. Here are some of the most popular conspiracy theories and how confirm-able they may or may not be.


A cross between contrails (the water clouds that form behind airplanes) and chemicals. This is the theory that the government is secretly secreting chemicals and other biological agents into the atmosphere via airplanes. Some believe it’s to manipulate the weather, others think it’s to alter the people’s health systems. A common source of evidence pointed toward this is the official list of items not allowed on airplanes, proposing that they interfere with the chemicals. While they can’t confirm this ISN’T happening, any hobby air pilot will tell you that those white clouds do, in fact, happen just from water condensation and are not a definite sign of chemical additions. Still, owning a gas mask wouldn’t hurt.

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New Coke

Back in 1985, soda company Coca-Cola introduced a new formula for their beloved beverage. It was named New Coke. The new formula was very poorly received, prompting the company to bring back the original formula in the form of Coke Classic. Some folk believes that this was done intentionally. One idea is that the company intentionally sabotaged the product to drive sales back to the original. Others think that the swap was so they could swap out for cheaper, less noticeable ingredients to the original formula. Coca Cola denies both claims.

The JFK Assassination

One of the most popular presidents to have served America, John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 is also one of the most common and referenced “conspiracy theory” events. There are countless different theories about what actually happened, ranging from CIA involvement to a plot by sitting vice president Lyndon B. Johnson. At this current time, no solid evidence has been uncovered that favors these theories.

Extraterrestrial Life

For ages, there have been claims of sightings and encounters with alien life. The conspiracy in question is the idea that the government is aware of these creatures but even has them on earth, with tasks forces to maintain secrecy. It’s commonly thought that United States military base Area 51 is used to contain all alien artifacts found, such as the suspected Roswell incident. Some people also believe that there is a “Men in Black” organization dedicated to finding and suppressing any information about alien life. Interestingly enough, footage of a UFO was declassified recently showing some unexplained technology.


This particular theory has been rising in popularity over the last several years. To generalize, it’s the idea that medical vaccinations are not as beneficial for citizens as publicly implied. Some believe that vaccinations are promoted by doctors under monetary influence by major pharmaceutical corporations. Others believe that the chemicals within vaccines cause an increased likelihood of developing autism.

The theory began in 1998, when doctor Andrew Wakefield published a paper implying the connection. While the doctor would later be discredited and his publication marked as fraudulent, it had gathered enough popularity among the general public to create their own media movement.


This one is interesting, because it was, in fact, real. During the 50s and 60s, the United States CIA was performing research into chemical interrogation and mind-control techniques, including the use of LSD. The theory is that the CIA performed illegal tests on human test subjects to make this happen. The truth was lost in 1973 when CIA Director Richard Helm ordered the destruction of all files and information about the project.

This theory actually acts more like a “support” to other theories. Some folks believe that the MKUltra project was a success. And that various other disasters or incidents caused in American history were done though CIA mind control, such as the Jonestown massacre.

The redacted and blacked out remains of the documents would go on to serve as a common source of inspiration of many pieces of art and media relating to government conspiracy.

Flat Earth

This is another one that has seen a bit of a resurgence lately. The idea behind this theory is that the earth isn’t actually spherical, as common media portrayed, but it is a flat, disc-shaped planet. The theory began in 19th-century England. The alleged motivations for this deception vary, but it commonly comes with claims that NASA and other government organizations are hiding the truth through false media and rigged GPS technology.

The Nibiru Cataclysm

There is a galactic theory that there is another planet within our solar system that has been kept secret from common society. Commonly referred to as Nibiru (named after a term in Babylonian astronomy for the equinox) or Planet X, the full theory is that said planet will eventually collide with earth, destroying it enough to end all life. This event was believed to have happened in 2003, 2012, and 2017.

The theory began when Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin published a book titled The 12th Planet. Sitchin would later go on to be discredited, but the notion remained popular as various media personalities preached its message.

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The big man for last. A common conspiracy theory is that of the Illuminati, an 18th-century organization rumored to have extreme dominion over world and government powers, influencing global events behind a hidden curtain. The organization did, in fact, exist as an enlightenment society that was rumored to have caused the French Revolution. It wasn’t until the 1960s did the conspiracy theory surface, however. This happened after a group of American practical jokers known as the Discordians fabricated stories and claims about the Illuminati, by sending fake letters to businesses like Playboy, for example. Similar theories have circulated with alternate names, such as the New World Order and Deep State.

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