Preps Life

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Irish Crops Decline by 600,000 Tonnes, Reports Show

According to reports by Teagasc, Irish crop harvests have dropped by nearly 600,000 tonnes this year.

Teagasc, the state agency providing research, advisory and education in agriculture, horticulture, food and rural development in Ireland, recently released a crop analysis of this year’s harvest of barley, wheat, and oats. According to the report, the country produced a total of 1.75 tonnes. This is a notable drop from last year’s 2.35 tonnes.

Area droughts, unfavorable weather, and an 11pc contraction to growing areas have been a hindrance to crop production this last year. And with local farmers have been struggling to get the compound feed they need for livestock, demand is becoming increasingly high. It doesn’t take an economist to tell you that the price of these goods is going to rise.

If you’re an Irish prepper looking to stockpile some grains, the best time would have been last year. The second best time would be today.

As for everyone else, this is a sign to consider. The planet’s not exactly been in our favor in these coming years. Scientists predict it’ll only get worse, global warming and all that. While we as individuals can’t stop an entire society to adopt more eco-friendly ways, we can at least look out for ourselves.

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